by Bill Elliff
June 24, 2020
We somehow think that God is far removed from the political scene. That men just do what they want, and God is nowhere to be found. But we forget the record in Scripture of how God moved upon leaders of many nations to accomplish His purposes.
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by Bill Elliff
June 23, 2020
The Bible is not just written for our inspiration and comfort. It is here to model to us what we are to do and be. To instruct us in effective living and ministry.
The prophet, Daniel, found himself in a culture and season that parallels ours in many respects. The words in Daniel, Chapter 9, give us powerful instruction on exactly what we should be doing right now.
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by Bill Elliff
June 19, 2020
The world and its ideas and practices presses on every follower of Christ with increasing weight. How can a man not be pulled into its trajectory?
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by Bill Elliff
June 18, 2020
It is one of the ways of God. Periodically in history He opens the windows of heaven and comes down with His manifest presence. We call these moments “revival” as it affects the church and “spiritual awakening” as it impacts people without Christ.
Spiritual results happen at an accelerated pace with stunning results. These outpourings bring a course correction to nations and most importantly, they glorify God. Nationwide movements usually happen at the worst times in a culture, when they realize the church realizes their only hope is God and lift a united cry of desperation.
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by Bill Elliff
June 16, 2020
Everything flows from the presence of the Lord. Everything. If you have Him, you have everything that matters and lasts. Without Him, you have nothing of value.
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by Bill Elliff
June 15, 2020
God is not only loving, He is kind. Think of this. Imagine the kindness person you know, then magnify it by millions, for He is complete in His kindness. And then, meditate on this if you are one of His children: He has loved you with an everlasting love and drawn you with His perfect lovingkindness!
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by Bill Elliff
June 12, 2020
AND WHAT IF ... we would repent of not loving God with a whole heart and of not loving others with a whole heart? And what if God would respond by sending a mighty nationwide (or worldwide) spiritual revival to the church and massive spiritual awakening to those far from God?
And, what if this return to Him and others started with ME?
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by Bill Elliff
June 12, 2020
It is important to know and believe that God is perfect in every way. Therefore, He is perfect in His judgments and their intent. But, He is equally perfect in His mercy.
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by Bill Elliff
June 11, 2020
God, in every age, has needed prophets. One of the great mercies of God is that He has always raised up His needed men, called by Him and equipped by Him to speak His word to His people. And as darkness increases in a nation, He needs them all the more.
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by Bill Elliff
June 04, 2020
If is easy to forget God, which is our greatest problem. We become consumed with our daily lives and begin to believe that we are the center of the universe, that no one can quite make it without us. The remedy for this is to read our Bibles to see God, to gaze long at Christ, (who was God in human flesh), and to be awed by God in creation. To remember who God is.
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by Bill Elliff
June 03, 2020
It is not hard to see the dark side of the world around us. Sometimes, such as now, it is more prominent than at other times. But pause and give the people of the world a moment to express ourselves and you will see that we are filled with hatred, evil, anger, prejudice … the list goes on and on.
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by Bill Elliff
June 01, 2020
Governments are designed by God to bring peace and to protect the people they oversee. Human history has shown the dramatic difference between good governments and bad. Unjust leaders and those who lead with righteous judgments. Governments are always dependent upon the character of those who are in positions of leadership … and every human leader is flawed.
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