by Bill Elliff January 09, 2020
We often doubt God, worrying over things which God has already revealed to us. This is one of the reasons He has given us the overabundance of promises in His Word. He invites us to go back again and again and renew our doubting hearts. Our knowing Father understands our frame and realizes that we often need multiple assurances.
Abraham needed a final push toward faith and the Great Shepherd graciously provided. God met Abraham in his faith journey where he was to take him where he needed to be. And, He will do the same for you.
by Bill Elliff January 08, 2020
There are over 7,000 of these promises in Scripture to us! This is God’s operating system with man. He gives us a faith directive and promises the results. And, He is always faithful.
He is saying, “I WILL” to you today, if you will listen to Him through His word and follow Him in obedience, trusting in His promises. One of the greatest tragedies at the end of our lives will be to realize how much more we could have experienced of God if we had believed and obeyed our “I WILL” God.
by Bill Elliff January 07, 2020
by Bill Elliff January 06, 2020
It’s our greatest problem. We measure God in our own image. Thinking He is just like us, we limit God in our mind and the results are disastrous. As J.B. Phillips said, “Our God is too small.”
But throughout history God gives constant reminder that although we are made in His image, He is not made in ours. He is God. He is sovereign and rules over all. And, His power is incomprehensible.
by Bill Elliff January 04, 2020
by Bill Elliff January 02, 2020
The tragic beginning of our sinfulness is recorded in the dawn of human history. Genesis, Chapter 3, recounts the temptation given by Satan and the sad choices of Adam and Eve to believe Satan’s lies, doubt God’s character, and disobey God.
The most notable truth of this chapter is not man’s sinfulness, but God’s response. It tells us of the God with whom we have to do. Since He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, this response is always to be expected from God.
by Bill Elliff January 01, 2020
by Bill Elliff December 18, 2019
by Bill Elliff December 17, 2019
… is an amazing Psalm. The Psalmist recounts 26 different things God had done for Israel. Each statement is followed by this refrain “For His lovingkindness (checed) is everlasting.” It’s almost hard for us to read because of the redundancy of this statement. But that redundancy is the point. Every statement of what God has done for us should be followed by a humble, awe-inspired statement of gratitude.
by Bill Elliff December 13, 2019
by Bill Elliff December 10, 2019
There are many things I do in my Christian life. But all of these pale in comparison to one central issue which can be captured in the ultimate question.
Do I love Jesus?