November 04, 2017

We all want to be liked. We long to be noticed and approved. In reality, the only opinion that matters is God's, but we vainly look for it everywhere else. We want to be validated and Satan whispers that it is found from our peers.

So ... we boast.

It can get ugly. Overly noticeable at times, because we're good at it. We weave our name into the conversation. We make sure to take the credit. We like everyone to know what we have accomplished. We drop names. We speak of what we’ve done and even, foolishly, what we are going to do.

Like a schoolboy wanting to be seen in class, we wave our hands before the crowd.

But God repeatedly reminds us that He opposes the proud. He is the One who should receive all the glory for our lives. He knows if we get this inverted it is deadly as it leads to independence from Him. And, He never designed us to live a merely self-reliant life.


The Proverbs writer gives us two good warnings in Proverbs 27: 1-2, about boasting:

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

It's a warning against ...

  • Future Boasting: We have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow. None. So, don't boast about all you will do in the days ahead. Don't act like you've got it covered. You don't. And never will.
  • Self-Praise: Don't ever let your mouth utter words that bring honor to yourself. If it is needed, God will orchestrate approval. Let others speak of you, but don't do it yourself. And be careful, there are ten thousand subtle ways we can do this.


… is simple really. Lift up your eyes today to the One who wove you together in your mother’s womb—fearfully and wonderfully made. Praise the Mastermind who made every cell of your brain and gave you “every good and perfect gift.” The Sustainer who gives you life and breath. The Shepherd and Guardian of your soul who has protected you a million times in ways you will not know until eternity. The Sovereign King who determines the length of your days and the quality of your life. The Savior who—while you were His enemy—proved His love for you by taking your sin upon Himself, dying on a Roman cross, separated from His Father. The Heavenly King who has gone before to build you a home so that where He is, there you can be also.

If we’re going to boast, let’s become world-class. But just make sure it’s all aimed in the right direction.

Also in Graceful Truth


April 26, 2024

But a man or woman with the proper view of themselves can be a strong yet humble force for the kingdom of God. What a mighty creature we can become when we realize who we are in Christ … and that all the glory goes to Him!

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April 25, 2024

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