August 27, 2023
You must think deeply to read Joseph A. Kohm Jr.’s article on CS Lewis’ “The Abolition of Man,” but it is profound. Read it carefully and then reread.
I recently heard a soul-searching interview with a woman who writes on transgender issues. She traces back to the originators of the transgender movement and relates that their intent is not TRANSGENDERISM, but TRANSHUMANISM. In other words, their driving passion is to come to the point where man is creating man.
“Transhumansim” was a new thought to me personally, just like the day in 1971 when I heard Francis Schaeffer speak on abortion. As a 20-year-old, fairly intelligent college student, I had to ask someone what that word meant.
It’s an easy leap to expose Satan’s agenda in this newest initiative called “transhumanism.” He has always wanted to be God. He knows a great Satanic victory is won when man succumbs to this temptation and begins to try to pull off the ultimate coup and create other humans without the oversight and moral parameters of God Himself.
And now we’re here. (Surely we are close to the end.) Believers must be wise enough to see through this foundational scheme of the devil and resist it, firm in our faith. We must speak to it on solid Biblical grounds. There is only one God and one Creator. We must expose transhumanism (and all its descending components that led to it) for what it is.
Everything Satan has been orchestrating for years is leading to this. Satan’s desire and detailed plan is to rule the world and take God’s throne. Abortion, for instance, is a step in this strategy as man says, “I’m not going to let God be the Creator—I am going to be the Creator. I will be the judge to decide who lives or dies, not God. If a fetus in the womb is undesirable, I have the authority and basic right to destroy it. It’s not really a human anyway until it is born.”
This devilish rationale has always been driving mankind off the cliff straight into the arms of the Enemy. But now we see one of its worst, evolving results. The transhumanist will try to control how man is made. Like the Tower of Babel, we arrogantly think creation without God is a better option. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another piece of this puzzle, it seems to me, sold under the guise of all its supposed wonderful advantages. The replacement of the God-created human mind with its moral guidance with a man-created mind without the slightest ability for moral or spiritual rectitude.
Man will make his evil choices, as always, but believers should not succumb quietly and passively without telling the world what our great Enemy is doing as He leads us to, once again, violate the 1st commandment to have “no other gods” before us. We must wisely see this, warning the next generation especially, that this is a demonic attempt to break that commandment now in the most foundational and violent way.
God help us.
Bill Elliff
(a real human, created by God, saved by His grace, and gladly willing to yield each day to His perfect Mind)
For further study on transhumanism:
January 21, 2025
We must cooperate with God in ways that make it so. We should be careful that it is nothing less … that we are creating an environment where people are encountering God and communing with Him. A place alive with His presence.
January 20, 2025
Look back over your life with eyes of faith as much as you can, and realize the magnitude of what God has done for you, the comprehensiveness of His work in and through you … and give Him thanks.
And then rise up and walk in humility today before your God.
January 17, 2025
The one who does what invites the presence of God into the situation has the ultimate reward.