August 02, 2022


All of us face sickness at times. Some people face far more debilitating illnesses than others. But the reality is this: all of us will, at some point, face something that will take our life.

What do you do when you get sick?

Hezekiah was a great example. He was one of the rare, godly kings in the Old Testament. He became “mortally ill,” as recorded in 2 Kings 20. The prophet Isaiah came to him and told him that he was going to die. Notice Hezekiah’s response:

Then he turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, saying, “Remember now, O Lord, I beseech You, how I have walked before You in truth and with a whole heart and have done what is good in Your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. (Vs. 2-3)

God told the prophet that He had heard the King's prayer and would grant him healing and fifteen more years of life. Hezekiah could hardly believe it and asked the Lord for a sign to assure his heart, which God did.

The Apostle Paul was beset with what we think was a great physical illness. He prayed three times that it would be removed, but God told Paul He had purposes in this “thorn in the flesh” to manifest His grace and strength through the illness. The humble disciple came to the point where he gloried in his weakness, for it became a greater opportunity to display God’s sufficient grace and strength.

Paul’s example—and millions of other godly Christians—forever debunks the false teaching that it is always God’s will to heal everyone. The mortality rate alone disproves this damaging false teaching. But, if we're not careful, we will swing too far in the other direction, believing that it is never God's will to miraculously heal.

Jesus, Himself, faced the cross and prayed that, if possible, God would take the cup of suffering away. But He followed it with the beautiful prayer of submission, “Yet not My will but Thine be done.”

Most of us have had people we have prayed for that God has healed and others that He has not. We cannot know (we are not God) why He heals one and not another. But we do know these five truths:

  1. God is able to heal anyone, anytime.
  2. His love for His children is real and good. Perfect, in fact.
  3. He has purposes in every experience of our lives and can work all things together for good.
  4. We grow through suffering, and God can be glorified in extraordinary ways. But also, being healed can brilliantly glorify God.
  5. We should unapologetically cry out to Him for healing and trust Him with the results.

Don’t think God is not concerned when one of His children is suffering. He is perfect in compassion. But also, don’t let the lack of healing turn your heart against Your Father. He knows what He is about. Trust Him to do what is best and thank Him for the ultimate, eternal healing that is promised for all who know and love Him!

Father, we trust You. You know us and are wonderfully working to conform us to the image of Your Son. We can rest in Your sovereignty and relax in Your love. Give us the grace to pray courageously for healing as needed, but completely submit to Your path for our lives. And Father, we look forward to an eternity with You in a place where there is no sickness or death!


Also in Graceful Truth


September 10, 2024

If you wonder, “When will all this evil in the world be over?” Do not worry. It will happen when the time is ripe and not a moment before. But a day is coming when evil will be completely banished, Satan and his minions will be completely removed, and a new heaven and earth will come with no hint of evil. And at that time, every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

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September 04, 2024

If God is God, then there are things He values. Some things are important to Him, while others have no meaning or can even be offensive.

God mentions prayer over 650 times in the Scriptures. So, how important are our prayers?

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September 02, 2024

We all become anxious at times. Our limited sight causes us to worry about all kinds of real and imagined fears. Rebecca Pippert said, "Whatever you fear, you serve." If we are not careful, our anxiety will drive our lives, make our decisions, and shape our futures. Worry is more crippling than we realize and can fill days, weeks, and even years with unneeded sorrow.

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