Finding GOD

February 10, 2017

Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found; surely in a flood of great waters they will not reach Him. (Psalm 32:6)

God has gone to extraordinary lengths to make Himself accessible to us. Intimacy with God is readily available and He is no respecter of persons. If you seek Him, you will find Him, if you search for Him with all your heart.

But there are many who do not experience God on a daily basis. And, in times of crisis they find it hard to lay hold of God ... to find Him when they need Him most.


There are some people I know that are mere acquaintances. When I am in trouble, I don't generally turn to them. I don't have their contact information. And, I'm not even sure if I could get them if I tried. This is because I have not taken the steps necessary to develop a deep, intimate friendship.

It is possible for us to ignore God in the common day. We can fail to pay the necessary price of time and intentionality to build friendship with Him. It is not that God is not available. It is that the things of the world pull on our minds and hearts and we see them as more valuable. Christ may be a reality to us, but a distant one.


In a moment of difficulty, we are not sure quite how to access the Lord. Which puts us, not only in trouble, but without the One who can give us all we need in the midst of our dilemma.

Those who seek the Lord daily and who have cultivated the art of intimacy with Him, know immediately where to go and how to lay hold of God. They understand the ways of God. They know how to access His promises. They have a long history of conversations that has left a rich deposit of truth imbedded in their hearts. They understand the posture of faith. They are patient and trusting because they have long experienced His goodness and understand His sovereignty. They know how to abide in Christ and bear much, remaining fruit.

If you want God THEN, you must seek Him NOW. And this is what makes all the difference.

Also in Graceful Truth


April 26, 2024

But a man or woman with the proper view of themselves can be a strong yet humble force for the kingdom of God. What a mighty creature we can become when we realize who we are in Christ … and that all the glory goes to Him!

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April 25, 2024

The worst evaluation that could be given of true believers is that they are “walking like mere men.” True believers are Spirit-men. Human, yes, but humans in whom Christ dwells. We have everything we need in us, and our lives are to be lived by trusting Him to live through us … giving us His understanding, supplying us with His character, directing us with His perfect guidance

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April 24, 2024

Are you weak, insufficient, or trembling when you face tasks or people? Not as well trained as others? Don’t have the abilities or experience of the more recognized? Don’t let it stop you. Your weakness is the doorway to His strength if you will trust Him.

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