March 16, 2020
In our pride, we are quick to forget the order of things. When good things happen, we assume it was all because of us. When our possessions grow, we vainly stick out our chest and glory in what we have done. But this is simply a reaction borne out of our pride.
Israel needed to remember, right before they entered the Promised Land, who had led them and provided for them. They needed to get this straight. God comes through Moses and gives them a strong course correction.
God is the LEADER. He is the One who sees beyond and takes us where we need to go.
God is the MULTIPLIER who takes bread and feeds a multitude.
God is the SPRING that brings the water that flows from the rock and quenches our thirst.
God is the WEALTH-CREATOR. Everything in this world was made by Him and it is His grace that gives us the strength and opportunity to work and blesses the work that we do.
God is the PROVIDER of everything we have.
This is why worship is so essential. King David understood this and this is why His Psalms survive today as our most beloved book in the Bible. When he had an opportunity to give an offering for the building of the temple, he offered it with this humble prayer:
It is critical that we pray like David. That we look up constantly and give credit where it is due. That we remember who is who; our role and His role. Without this constant focus, we will quickly begin to think the origin of everything is ourselves. And we will forget the Source of every good and perfect gift we have.
Father, forgive me for stealing glory from You. Everything I have, as David said, is “from Your hand.” Everything I see around me is by Your creating. Every ability and opportunity I experience is something You’ve given. Lord, keep me humble in my estimation of my own abilities and continually focused in praise to You. Let me never lose perspective on where I fit in the grand scheme … and who You are.
September 04, 2024
If God is God, then there are things He values. Some things are important to Him, while others have no meaning or can even be offensive.
God mentions prayer over 650 times in the Scriptures. So, how important are our prayers?
September 02, 2024
August 30, 2024