The Lord had been crucified, and his disciples were left in stunned disbelief. All of their hopes and dreams had been nailed to a cross. They had left everything to follow Him, and now He was dead. Think of the myriad thoughts, questions, and fears filling their minds!
Now, after the resurrection, an angel appears to three ladies as they came to place spices on Jesus' tomb. He has risen! And they were instructed to go tell the others.
But notice the angel's precise instructions:
"Go tell the disciples AND PETER..." (Mark 16:7)
Peter had been clearly marked as a leader among the disciples, along with James and John. And Peter had fallen away the most, denying the Lord three times, just as Christ had prophesied. Can you imagine the defeat and devastation he was feeling?
This is why it is encouraging that God makes a specific, deliberate instruction to tell Peter. He knew the depths of his mourning. Now he comes deliberately to him to announce His resurrection.
God knows us. He gives us what we need when we need it. Even when we have blown it royally, He reminds us of His resurrected and powerful life—a life we enjoy because He lives in us. A life that lifts us up and encourages us, meeting us right where we are. A life that makes us usable, even with our imperfections.
He is intentional in His care, and He knows our name.
Father, thank You for knowing me. You love me more than I can comprehend. You desire me to do well and experience all You’ve destined for me. Let me hear my name, Father, spoken by You to my soul, and restore me to the calling and purpose You have for my life. And do it all for Your glory!