March 19, 2019
Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:8)
There are many moments in life when the greatest need is to unleash your concerns to another. To let the deepest worries and burdens of your heart be known to another. Sometimes we need to just be heard or to process aloud before a caring heart. Often, we need some good counsel in response.
For David—who often had such burdens—there was a place where this was done best. God was his confidant and counselor. He could trust God "at all times." There was no worry of condemnation, gossip, or carelessness with Him. Nothing said in that throne room that would come back on him. Not only would God listen to his concerns, but God knew exactly what to give David in reply.
He is there and He is not silent. It is amazing that Jesus wants this from us. In fact, He invites us to this intimacy. We must understand that He is a God who is perfect in every way. Perfect in love and understanding; perfect in counsel; perfect in needed correction; perfect in patience.
Peter would later remind us to cast all our cares upon Him, because "He cares for you" (1 Peter 5:7). Don't seek others to hear your woes before you discharge them in prayer to the One-Who-Knows-and-Loves-You-Best. You might be surprised at what you will receive there.
February 20, 2025
If you have questions about how real, how present, how personal and intimate the Lord is, then just read six words of travelogue in Luke’s journal as he traveled with Paul.
February 18, 2025
I have known many people who have had great joy and power in the midst of great suffering. It is humbling that the slightest inconveniences deter many of us from following God. We have not gotten to the bottom—settled the issue. Most often, we live for our comfort, reputation, or gain. When any of those goals are touched, we are troubled and discontent.
February 17, 2025
The repentant who finds God gains everything. “He who has God and everything else,” said C.S. Lewis, “has no more than he who has God alone.”