August 09, 2019
“The kings heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes” (Proverbs 21:1)
Through the ages rulers have led—some well, some horribly—and nations have been affected by their leadership. Many have arrogantly believed that they had ultimate power. But the reality is, there is an unseen Sovereign who rules them.
Look through your Bible and you will see God causing kings and rulers to do things they would not have normally done. Pharaoh letting God’s people go; Cyrus suddenly ordering the Israelites to be released from their captivity and then providing the means and the orders for them to rebuild the temple. You will observe that when God’s people turn away from Him, He often uses ungodly leaders to let them feel the weight of their sin and bring them back to Himself.
But there is another part of this equation: God’s people, the church. God has made most of His promised activity contingent upon the repentant prayers of His people. “If my people will humble themselves and pray … then I will hear and heal their land” He says in 2 Chronicles 7:14. “I will move the leaders and nations, IF …”
We are in an unbelievably precarious position as a nation. The recent mass shootings are the rumblings of the volcano before the eruption. They are warnings of revolt. We have been here before, but we are now reaching a political and ideological division that could easily and quickly lead into civil war that could ravage our nation and cause irreparable damage across the world.
God could change all this. But there are things He will not do unless we repent and pray. We live in such comfort and luxury that we are not desperate for His movement. But even that could change overnight.
Our nation is in grave danger. The church holds the means to beseech God for a great, sweeping revival and spiritual awakening across our land. And God (and only God) has the means to accomplish this nationwide course correction. We may feel we are waiting on Him, but I wonder if He is not waiting on us to humble ourselves and cry out until He comes in merciful power.
September 10, 2024
September 04, 2024
If God is God, then there are things He values. Some things are important to Him, while others have no meaning or can even be offensive.
God mentions prayer over 650 times in the Scriptures. So, how important are our prayers?
September 02, 2024