Overcoming Despair

February 27, 2016

Despair is debilitating. Because of the attack of the enemy, the weight of our sin, or the worries of the world, we often lose all hope that things will ever change. The impossibilities of life overwhelm our soul. We see this in the great King of Israel, David, as he speaks to us in Psalm 43.


""Why are you in despair, O my soul? and why are you disturbed within me? (Psalm 43:5)

This can happen in the big moments of life or it can be the ""daily blues"" that plague us, rising from some seemingly unknown source. Despair steals our joy and robs our effectiveness for Christ.

I think some people are more prone to this than others, just by nature of their temperament, background, or makeup. But all of us can find ourselves there at times.


""Hope in God...the help of my countenance and my God."" (vs. 5)

This is the answer. It is to do whatever is necessary to get back to God and the hope that is found alone in Him.

David, the king and psalmist, knew how to ""strengthen himself in the Lord."" He knew it was a matter of getting in His Word, and finding His presence through prayer. This hope could also be restored through godly counsel that brings you back to the reality of God's promises and the surety of His help and provision. He instructs his soul to look to one place for hope: ""in GOD.""

When we get into His presence through His Word, it lifts our soul like nothing else. There, our souls find HOPE and hope is the one thing that sustains us.


""Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him"" (vs. 5)

The end gain of a return to hope is that our lives do the one thing they were created to do: praise Him. They are returned to the posture they were designed for. We revel in the joy of worship that overflows to heaven and is heard by all those around us which is our greatest witness.

 Is your soul in despair? Do whatever necessary to run to Jesus. There (and only there) is the hope that will make your heart sing again!

Also in Graceful Truth


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April 23, 2024

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