June 12, 2024
It is the most significant reality that ever happens on earth. God has chosen to make Himself known. To manifest or reveal Himself. He has done this in undeniable ways: through creation, through our consciences, and (most completely) through Christ, who “became flesh and dwelt among us” so that we could behold His glory (John 1:24).
Jesus did (and does) this in the most common places, surprising us with His passionate pursuit of His children.
After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and He manifested Himself in this way. (John 21:1)
Peter and his buddies had gone fishing. Once again, they labored all night and caught nothing. Then, this unexpected encounter happened.
But when the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. So Jesus *said to them, “Children, you do not have any fish, do you?” They answered Him, “No.” And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch.” So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish. (John 21:4-6)
Jesus was revealing Himself so His beloved friends could have fellowship with Him around a warm fire. He was inviting them into His presence, once again.
Scan the Scripture and human history, and you will see that He is always doing this. In the Garden, through the Old Testament, using voices, places, and promises, He is calling us into intimate fellowship. Through Christ’s physical presence and then through the Holy Spirit’s literal indwelling in all those who believe, He is always the initiator, calling us to be with Him. And … He’s gone ahead to heaven to prepare a place where we will enjoy uninterrupted fellowship eternally!
It’s essential to see that one man recognized Him first. John, the “disciple whom Jesus loved,” recognized him quicker than all the others.
Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved *said to Peter, “It is the Lord.” (John 21:7)
He had a believing heart and a love-motivated passion that cleared his eyes. “The pure in heart” see God, Jesus said, and surely John was the model of this (Matthew 5:8).
This is always true. Some can be right in the presence of Christ and not see Him (notice the Pharisees). But those whose vision has been cleared by adoration and passionate obedience see Him quickly. Some people are hungry for Jesus and find Him, just as Jesus promised they would.
John, like King David before him and Moses before him, knew the ways of God. He was always looking for Christ and seeing Him, inviting others into His presence. Instantly upon John’s words, Peter jumped from the boat, and then the disciples followed. But John saw Him first.
The wisest among us are those who keep their hearts pure and their eyes open to see the manifested Christ. Who study His ways and keep their vision unclouded by the things of this world. Who deal with any spiritual cataracts that cloud their souls and keep them from seeing the manifested Christ. For they know the ultimate joy: to sit at the fire with Jesus.
February 06, 2025
When God begins working in our hearts, we often think it is just on our end. But God is not limited by time, geography, or power. He is working all the time in multiple places.
February 05, 2025
Many people struggle with the assurance of their salvation, which is one reason an entire book of the Bible (1 John) is devoted to this theme. Here is John’s statement about why the Holy Spirit wrote 1 John through him.
February 04, 2025
There are adjustments that must be made if you desire to live in the presence of God all day long. There must be a turning from and a turning to.