by Bill Elliff
May 21, 2024
What we need is not just a moment in His presence—a brief period in a worship service, Bible study, or prayer. We cherish these, but the settled victory comes as we learn to dwell—to stay—to remain in a stable or fixed position, not to be drawn away or distracted.
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by Bill Elliff
May 20, 2024
But be eternally aware of this: His presence is our greatest gift and nearness our greatest good!
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by Bill Elliff
January 16, 2024
It is sad to live a joyless life, but many do. Everything around them seems sour. Even if their lives are filled with abundant blessings, they somehow find reasons to complain.
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by Bill Elliff
December 14, 2023
He has come! Every moment of human history should overwhelm us with the love of Father, Son, and Spirit as He pursues us, desiring that we should know Him and be with Him. The greatest story in history is this pursuit, and the greatest tragedy is our rejection of His pursuing love.
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by Bill Elliff
December 06, 2023
We think we need this and that when all we really need is God's presence. He is the answer to every question, the solution to every problem. He is the substance that can fill every void and the satisfaction that fulfills every longing.
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by Bill Elliff
September 20, 2023
The beginning pages of Genesis give us the operating principles upon which God and man were to function. God, in mercy, provided a garden with every possible goodness. He intended for man to enjoy this perfect environment but, most importantly, to enjoy God’s continual presence. God and man and wife would walk together.
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by Bill Elliff
August 23, 2023
"How blessed is the man," the Psalmist says, "in whose heart are the highways to Zion!" In other words, this man has found the path to God’s presence. He knows how to get there and to live there. He naturally finds himself turning there. He is so enamored by the Lord's presence and so uninterested in every other place, that his heart is forever turning to Christ.
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by Bill Elliff
July 28, 2023
Various people affect us in various ways. Some are life-taking. To be around them is to come away completely drained, defeated, and discouraged. No one has the luxury of avoiding such people all the time, or ministry wouldn’t happen. But it’s hard.
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by Bill Elliff
July 20, 2023
The great conviction of my life is this: Everything flows from the presence of the Lord. Everything. If you are experiencing the presence of Christ, you have everything that matters and lasts. If you are not, you have nothing of value.
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by Bill Elliff
April 12, 2023
Do you long to be aware of His presence? To enjoy more consistent intimacy with God in your life, your home, your church? There are very deliberate things you can do to create an environment where God is pleased to dwell. Thinking of preparing your home for a visit from your most beloved and honored guest. Now, prepare the home of your life for the King. Paying attention to our environments will illustrate what we really want.
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by Bill Elliff
November 15, 2022
There is nothing more precious nor important than the presence of Christ. Everything flows from the presence of the Lord. If you have Him, you have everything you need. Without Him, you have nothing that matters or lasts. Look through Scripture and human history. When Christ shows up, everything changes.
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by Bill Elliff
November 11, 2022
Think of this deeply. Let it sink into your soul. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, the Creator of all, wants to be with you! He has provided everything necessary for this to occur. He has initiated this relationship and it is not to be a momentary acquaintance but an eternal, increasing friendship. What a humbling thought and matchless privilege. And what a tragedy if we ignore His invitation and live without His presence. It was never meant to be so.
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