by Bill Elliff September 04, 2022
by Bill Elliff April 26, 2022
There are many times in life when we feel adrift, alone, abandoned. When we do not know which way to turn, which path to take.
If we’re not careful, our minds can wander and become envious of others, just like the Psalmist in Psalm 73. His “steps came close to slipping” until he came into the sanctuary of God.
by Bill Elliff April 12, 2022
by Bill Elliff February 23, 2022
by Bill Elliff June 16, 2020
by Bill Elliff April 08, 2020
by Bill Elliff April 07, 2020
by Bill Elliff April 01, 2020
It is sad to lose something that you value … Your health. Your relationships. Your financial employment and possessions. Maybe even your home. Your ability to be with others.
But there is one loss that is greater than all the rest ...
by Bill Elliff January 22, 2020
The omnipresence of God is a reality (that God is everywhere all the time). “Where can I go from Thy Spirit?” David said (Psalm 139). And, since the coming of Christ and Pentecost, which was the sending of His indwelling Spirit to all who believe, the true follower of Christ is assured that Christ will never leave them nor forsake them personally. Once the Spirit comes to reside in the believing heart, He is there permanently.
But, it is possible to have our head turned by the world, the flesh, and the devil. We can quench and grieve the Spirit who lives within us. We can ignore Him or resist His leadership. If we do so, we will lose the conscious awareness of His presence. We will begin to operate on our own, not walking by the Spirit, and the results are always disastrous. We get what our humanity brings. Like an unseen guest standing in the shadows, He is still present, but not prominent.