by Bill Elliff
October 07, 2024
Are you worried about a deficiency in your life? Do you feel God is leading you to do something beyond your capabilities? This is right where God wants you to live, for it is here that you must walk in dependency upon Him.
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by Bill Elliff
September 17, 2024
Places are important. All of our lives are lived in places. We’ve all suffered in some terrible places and rejoiced in wonderful places.
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by Bill Elliff
September 13, 2024
We were made for God, and our soul is not at rest until we find Him and enter His kingdom. Once there, the daily, hourly pursuit of God will bring direction, wisdom, clarity, and understanding. In His presence is “fullness of joy and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).
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by Bill Elliff
September 02, 2024
We all become anxious at times. Our limited sight causes us to worry about all kinds of real and imagined fears. Rebecca Pippert said, "Whatever you fear, you serve." If we are not careful, our anxiety will drive our lives, make our decisions, and shape our futures. Worry is more crippling than we realize and can fill days, weeks, and even years with unneeded sorrow.
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by Bill Elliff
August 30, 2024
Everyone decides where they are going to live. Circumstances often affect that, but in the end, your dwelling place is your choice. Even if others force you to live in one place, there is another place where you can dwell. And this choice makes all the difference.
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by Bill Elliff
August 29, 2024
One of the great essentials is to begin each morning entering the presence of the Lord … drawing near. He wants us to come, inviting us repeatedly. If we are a true believer, we are one of His children, and He longs for us to get our day started right. The Great Adjustment comes from entering His presence, shutting the door, and praying to our Father.
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by Bill Elliff
August 20, 2024
There is no other religion on the face of the earth (nor has there been or can there be) that offers what authentic Christianity provides. The heart of our spiritual life is about fellowship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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by Bill Elliff
August 16, 2024
The man or woman you are or will become is determined by where you look. The eyes of your heart determine the condition of your soul. The Psalmist gives us a model. He looked up.
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by Bill Elliff
August 12, 2024
Are you confused? Lack clarity? Don’t understand why people are responding the way they are or things are happening in our world with such craziness?
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by Bill Elliff
June 27, 2024
If you want to understand why you have trouble pursuing God, it is because you are convinced other things are more important. We treasure power, possessions, popularity, the applause of men, comfort, and pleasure, and the list goes on. We dart from one thing to the next, thinking it will give us the satisfaction we crave.
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by Bill Elliff
June 12, 2024
The wisest among us are those who keep their hearts pure and their eyes open to see the manifested Christ. Who study His ways and keep their vision unclouded by the things of this world. Who deal with any spiritual cataracts that cloud their souls and keep them from seeing the manifested Christ. For they know the ultimate joy: to sit at the fire with Jesus.
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by Bill Elliff
May 24, 2024
And He wants to make Himself known—personally, daily—to each of His children. It does not have to be with fantastical manifestations (although He is capable of that), but the conscious awareness of His presence each day is the manna we need. His presence satisifies, corrects, comforts, leads, and empowers us. Everything flows from His presence and to have Him is to have it all.
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