August 31, 2023


God gives us an incredible glimpse into His throne room in heaven in Revelation 4, seen through the eyes of the beloved, faithful apostle who recorded it. The door is open, and as we enter, we are overwhelmed with that which fills the room:

Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. (Revelation 4:2)

On the throne is the only One who has ever sat there. The only One who ever will. No human king has ever occupied this place. Twenty-four lesser thrones surround that throne; heavenly beings encircle the throne, and they have but one song to sing:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come! (Revelation 4:8)

God is wholly different, like no other. And when the 24 Elders chime in, their praise springs from one central, foundational, unending truth: God created all things. The fact that God is the source of all that is becomes their song that describes why He alone is worthy of our unceasing praise.

“Worthy are you, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created.” (Revelation 4:11)


You may not notice it, but every assault on God in this life is an assault on that foundational truth. Consider what deception and anarchy results if we resist the truth that God created everything.

  • We think that WE are the creator of all things, so ...
  • We have a right to destroy unborn babies or to let them live. We’re the creator.
  • We can choose when and when NOT to have children.
  • We determine what our sexual orientation is.
  • No one can tell us what gender we are. We decide that. No Creator controls that.
  • We determine what we will do with our lives, down to the details, thoughts, and actions of each day.
  • We can determine how to handle creation for it is ours.
  • We determine what we consider valuable and invaluable.
  • We must control our lives for everything that we consider to be valuable we must get for ourselves by our own hand and ingenuity.
  • All we need does not come from Him, so why worship Him? Why serve Him?
  • And on and on.

It is a battle that has been waged by our Enemy, who wants God’s throne. He wants us to look to Him, worship, and give praise to Him. So He tries to take our Creator out of the picture.

If we believed what the Elders are proclaiming, it would change everything. We would worship Him. We would bow before Him. We would serve Him. We would live and die for Him, for we (and all things) have come from Him alone.

This foolishness will last only so long. For no matter the vain assaults of hell or the silly rantings of man, God IS the Creator, and one day soon, every knee will bow.


Also in Graceful Truth


September 26, 2024

The great measure of our spiritual life is how far we are willing to trust God.

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September 23, 2024

Lot did not know that there is always an Unseen Observer to all our transactions. God rewarded Abram for his unselfishness. Lot went down to Sodom, and we know the rest of his story.

Selfishness never ends well.

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September 20, 2024

How sinful are we? The answer is: totally. Apart from God and His intervention in our lives, we are completely and totally spiritually depraved.

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