January 16, 2020


Everybody wants to be successful. Thousands of books have been written and bought by people hungry to prosper in their endeavors. The dictionary describes success as “the favorable or desired outcome.” Who would not want success as a man or woman, husband or wife, parent, ministry leader, business person?

But is there a recognizable, simple path and who is the real author of success?


Abraham, the father of our faith, desired to find a wife for his only son, Isaac. He charged his servant to go back to Abraham’s native land to find this wife. This was a risky, daunting, and seemingly impossible task for this servant. A needle in a haystack. There were a million ways this could go wrong.

The wise leader did what was necessary to be successful. He prayed. And his prayer brought God into the equation.

“O LORD, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today, and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham.” (Genesis 24:12)

Through an amazing set of God-designed circumstances, the servant found the exact mate that Isaac needed in a distant land. It was a miracle. He was successful.


You should read the full account in Genesis, Chapter 24. But notice what the servant did.

  1. He prayed, crying out to God for His leadership and help. He turned to the One source who could make this hard task successful.
  2. He prayed unselfishly. His prayer was not “make me look good” but “Lord, lead me for my master’s sake and to show your nature to all.” His motives had been purified.
  3. He listened to and followed the leadership of God. He would later admit “the LORD has guided me” (verse 27). This guidance indicates that the servant followed, trusting in the Lord.
  4. When God granted success, He gave God all the glory.

Then the man bowed low and worshiped the LORD. He said, “Blessed be the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His lovingkindness and His truth toward my master; as for me, the LORD has guided me in the way to the house of my master’s brothers.” (Genesis 22:26-27)

The wise writer of Proverbs would state it this way:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him (i.e., bring Him into the equation) and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6, parenthesis mine)

Do you desire to be successful in your daily living? Raising your family? Your work? Your whole life? The formula is simple. You don’t need another book beside the Bible. God is waiting to grant success to every man or woman who will look to Him unselfishly and give Him all the glory.

Lord, I pray that my life would be successful for Your glory so that You could be seen as the great God You are. Help me to pray without ceasing—to cry out to You today about every single thing. Give me grace to listen and follow Your leadership. And make me careful to bow low and worship when you have blessed the work of my hands, giving You all the glory!


Also in Graceful Truth


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