January 13, 2020
"I anything too difficult for the Lord? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this time next year, and Sarah will have a son." (Genesis 18:14)
It was impossible. God was telling Abraham, aged 99, that his 90-year-old wife would bear a child. When Sarah laughed at this proposal, the Lord asked them this foundational question.
The word "difficult" literally means, "wonderful, extraordinary." Is there anything beyond the ordinary, the natural, the normal that is beyond God's reach and ability?
It's the heart of it, isn't it? Whether or not we believe that there are no impossibilities with God? Whether we are going to live in only the realm of the rational and natural, or will we believe that God exists and loves to do that which is beyond normality? That which is impossible to man in his humanity, but completely doable to God?
Do we believe that ...
This is an important theme with God, for He returns to this thought over and over again with man. Notice just a few …
God knows we need this reminder, for He is wanting to the impossible, the wonderful in our lives. But, we must believe, for faith is the activator of God’s miracles. Our unbelief does not limit God’s ability, but it does restrict His working through our lives, for there are some things God will do now only in response to our faith and prayers. “You have not because you ask not,” James said (James 4:2).
God specializes in tackling the most challenging situations. In so doing, He sets Himself up to receive greater glory.
Our faith should not be preposterous or presumptuous. But when we believe we have genuinely received a promise from God about something impossible, we must believe. And we must pray in faith and patience for its result for the greater glory of God.
Omnipotent God, where am I limiting you by my lack of faith? Give me grace to believe that nothing is too difficult for You? Lord, what big things do you want me to believe you for today, this year? Father, accomplish great things so you will be seen by us as the great God you are!
January 30, 2025
How could we whittle all of human living down to its two most significant moments? It’s simple.
January 29, 2025
It is not something that everyone possesses. Sadly, most do not. It is not that it is inaccessible or unavailable, but many have not heard that it is possible or feel they are fully sufficient without it.
But for those who have recognized their need and asked God to deliver them from a life without Him, they have been given an undeniable and extraordinary gift.
January 28, 2025
“You have two overwhelming emotions,” Jesus was saying, “but as you’ve come into My presence, one can be shed like a heavy coat on a warm day. You no longer need fear … just joy.”