April 25, 2019
It happened while Jesus was praying in a certain place, after He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John also taught his disciples." (Luke 11:1)
One of the famous statements that I've heard for years says, "Discipleship is more caught than taught." Apparently, this truth is as old as man, for we see it throughout human history.
Jesus' disciples became interested in praying because they watched Jesus pray constantly. At every major juncture through His ministry, He was praying. He would often steal away to a secluded place and spend whole nights in prayer. He would get up "while it was still dark" and pray (Mark 1:35). "As was His custom" He went to the Mt of Olives and prayed (Luke 22:39).
Finally, the disciples realized this was the missing link in their relationship with the Father. This seemed to be the source of power and comfort and direction for their Master and they felt they must be trained in this vital work. His consistent example created a hunger in their soul that begged to be filled.
And, they realized they didn't know how to pray. His effectiveness in prayer convicted them of their inefficiency. Wise is the man or woman who in humility seeks out those who pray and asks for help. Pride is swallowed when a disciple says to a mentor, "I need to admit that I don't know how to do that."
Jesus is waiting for us to wake up to this realization and He always honors such requests. He immediately paused and gave them (and all of humanity) the most phenomenal, usable, practical model of prayer known to man. When a learner comes to Jesus and says, "I want to do what you are doing," Jesus smiles in delight and trains them with absolute excellence and effectiveness.
Do you know how to pray? Do you see its absolute value? Your desperate need? That you are to pray without ceasing? That you will never be like Christ if you leave this component out of your walk with Him? That the power of God will never be visible in your life without prayer? And, that you will never be able to train others like Christ if you neglect this foundational habit?
If so, you might want to ask Him for help and also approach someone you see who really prays. You will be rewarded with nothing less than access to the throne room of God.
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