September 26, 2016
For years, men have pursued strength. We've all watched the ""Strongest Man"" competitions and been amazed. What man has not wanted a little more muscle in his biceps?
But, as always, God has a very different evaluation of true strength.
""A wise man is strong, and a man of knowledge increases power. For by wise guidance you will wage war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory."" (Proverbs 24:5-6)
A man who knows more than others has the advantage. But the most powerful man is the one who knows how to take the knowledge he has and apply it properly in the right situations. He is the right man, in the right place, at the right time, doing and saying the right thing. He is the man who brings God and God's mind into the equation. This is wisdom.
If there was ever a moment when wisdom is needed, it is now. In a world where pragmatism is the perceived value, immorality is rampant, churches are plateaued and dying, persecution is rising, and political thinking is insanely foolish, we need men who stand in the pulpits, the homes, the workplaces, and the political platforms of our land full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.
God has always used His prophets as the counter-balance for the foolishness of immoral leaders and wayward nations. And the voice of God-initiated wisdom is desperately needed across our land.
But, God goes one step further. Think of the strength of a group of godly, wise men? When wise men pool their thinking, there is tremendous strength. This is why God tells us not make decisions in isolation.
Foolish men will always abort good counsel, (Psalm 1:1). But wise men's counsel is invaluable as a leader. This is why God has designed His Church, (of which He is the head), to operate with a plurality of godly leaders. There is a far greater chance to hear what the Head is saying, when a group of wise, godly men are pursuing His mind together.
In need of direction? Of course you are—everyday of your life. Then seek the Lord and His wisdom. Cry out to Him for wisdom beyond yourself and remember that He has promised to give it to the humble, seeking heart and not make fun of you for asking (James 1).
There is no reason why you could not become the wisest man in your sphere of influence. But it takes humility and aggressive cooperation with God. Voraciously devour the Word, which is the wisdom of God. Disciple men in wisdom and lean heavily on their counsel. And move to new levels of prayer, connecting to the Source of all wisdom!
Our day needs strong men. It needs Daniel and King David; Paul and Peter; Martin Luther and William Wilberforce. It needs you, filled with the wisdom of God!
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