August 05, 2021
“They spoke to Him about her” (Mark 1:30)
There are multiple types of prayer—prayers of adoration, personal petition, spiritual warfare, prayers of provision, etc. But one of the highest forms of prayer is intercession—to pray on behalf of others.
The verse above begins with, “Now Simon’s mother-in-law was lying sick with fever.” There was an obvious need, and it was something the disciples could not fix on their own.
We are surrounded by people’s needs every common day. Most of these we cannot resolve by ourselves. But we have something as believers that no one else has … we have a relationship with the Great Physician. We can speak to Him on their behalf.
Jesus can heal or help anyone. Our greatest task is to “speak to Jesus” about them in prayer. Our intercession accomplishes much as God is brought into the equation of someone’s need. If you do not believe the basic fact of God’s ability, you will never be effective in intercession.
Jesus is anxious to meet the needs of those He loves. When the disciples spoke to Jesus, “He came to her and raised her, taking her by the hand, and the fever left her, and she waited on them” (Mark 1:31)
His response to their intercession was immediate and effective. God does not always choose to heal. He has purposes beyond our physical healing at times. But be assured of this: Jesus can heal anyone, anytime as He chooses. This is why we intercede for them.
Our interceding and his delivering are not designed for physical problems alone. People are weighed down with multiple problems spiritually, emotionally, relationally. But there is not a single need that is beyond His ability to resolve. He is looking for those who will speak to Him about these needs. In so doing, He is giving us His heart and involving us in Kingdom work.
The natural response when the disciples saw the power of God was to bring others.
When evening came, after the sun had set, they began bringing to Him all who were ill and those who were demon-possessed. And the whole city had gathered at the door.” (vs. 32-33)
There is nothing more thrilling than seeing lives changed. When we are involved through our intercession, it spurs us to increase our “bringing.” For the believer, these two acts—prayer and bringing—are the most significant things we can do with our lives. Jesus is the only Savior, but we can intercede for others and bring them to Christ.
Father, open my eyes today. Help me be filled with Your compassion. Give me the grace and courage to do my part in intercession and introducing them to You. And then, dear Lord, be merciful to do what only You can accomplish in their lives.
September 04, 2024
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God mentions prayer over 650 times in the Scriptures. So, how important are our prayers?
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