October 31, 2016
""The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all."" (Psalm 103:19)
It is our lack of understanding of this verse and its massive, overarching truth, that causes most of our problems.
... absolute rule. There is no higher authority in heaven or earth. In fact, every king or president that rules on earth, every governmental authority, every authority in home or work, is under Him. He “puts down one and exalts another,” Psalms 75:7 says. “The king’s heart is like channels of water,” in God’s sovereign hand and He, “turns it wherever He desires” (Proverbs 21:1). He can use a king to prosper a land or destroy it, according to His judgments which are always perfectly righteous.
When those authorities recognize and submit to His leadership, those under their leadership prosper. Scan human history and you will see this glorious truth. Our King loves to prosper those who will trust and submit to Him.
But, when they rebel against that authority, we find all that results from rebellion. The worst of which, is to lose the providing, protecting hand of the King.
... He has authority over my life. He made me and bought me back at Calvary. Twice over I belong to Him. God has the right to do whatever He desires with my life.
If suffering is in that equation, so that He would receive greater glory and His work be more fully accomplished, then I should do as the Acts Christians, i.e., rejoice in the privilege of suffering to advance the great cause that takes men from hell to heaven and death to life.
This is a hard truth to embrace because we see ourselves as the Master of our fate and the Captain of our own soul. But we are not. Even more often, we have forgotten why we are here. We have been redeemed to lead people into a Kingdom which has no end and is perfect in every way. Any way that our lives can be used to advance that eternal cause, we will one day see, is absolutely worth embracing.
… it’s personal. One of the most defining moments of my life happened under a tree in Norman, Oklahoma. Faced with a rapid-fire series of the hardest experiences of my life, I was angry at God. Under that tree, crying out to Him, He reminded me that He is never the author of evil. Instead He was the One, in the midst of evil, who could “work all things together for good” if I would trust Him.
I had my hands tightly clenched, unwilling to receive what was happening. But under a cottonwood tree, I relaxed my hands and accepted the circumstances in my life.
Upon years of reflection, I realize now I was simply embracing the sovereignty of God. I am God’s possession and He has the right to do whatever He desires with my life. And, because I understand His character and His purposes, I can be the glad embracer of His sovereign rule.
… we have the corresponding joy of seeing the goodness of our King. What helps us understand the seeming contradictions of His sovereignty, is to realize the nature of the God who rules us. Read the preceding verses of the this Psalm. No King could be better!
Perfect in lovingkindness, we must remember in all moments the motivations of God. Our King is not only loving, He is stunning in His kindness. Meditate on this. We can, like David, command our soul to bless the Lord as we “forget none of His benefits.”
He is God and He does whatever He pleases, but He is good and He always does what is right.
January 14, 2025
Spending hours in solitude with God alone is foreign to us. We are not familiar with God. He is, for most, a distant entity, not an every day Father.
January 13, 2025
What is more important to you than anything else? Check your values, for they will drive you this year. And what value is it if a man gains the whole world but loses his soul?
January 10, 2025
Where does God want you to go this week? To whom does He want you to speak? Jesus knows, and if you cultivate the art of asking and listening, He will lead you.