January 18, 2021
The record of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis, Chapter 19, is a horrible recounting of the worst kind of wickedness. In His mercy, God rescued Lot, his wife, and two daughters right before He destroyed the entire region with fire.
We see, though, even after the city was destroyed, the terrible toll that wickedness had taken on Lot's children.
Then the firstborn said to the younger, "Our father is old, and there is not a man on earth to come into us after the manner of the earth. Come, let us make our father drink wine, and let us lie with him that we may preserve our family through our father." So they made their father drink wine that night, and the firstborn went in and lay with her father; and he did not know when she lay down or when she arose. (Genesis 19:31-33)
These two daughters both became pregnant by their father without his knowledge. One was the line of the Moabites, the other the line of the Ammonites. Both of these lines of families became a thorn in the side of Israel for generations.
How could daughters do such immoral acts? They were raised in a city filled with wickedness and a father who allowed them to live in such an environment. The environment of sin had its effect over time on the morality of these two children.
…of the role of culture on our children. Like a frog in growing hot water, we become de-sensitized to the immorality and the pervasive philosophy of the world around us. Parents increasingly compromise with their children and bow to the "everybody-is-doing-it" complaints. We will never be perfect as parents, but if we sow moral compromise, we will often reap moral confusion.
Father, thank You for the standard of Your Word. Give us the discipline to learn the truth and pass it on without compromise to our children. Regardless of their complaints, give us the courage to disciple them (and discipline) them well, instilling Your Word in their hearts and minds. Help us do this with grace and wisdom, so they see the value of our efforts. Protect our children from the creeping invasion of the world and help us raise them as godly champions for You.
January 21, 2025
We must cooperate with God in ways that make it so. We should be careful that it is nothing less … that we are creating an environment where people are encountering God and communing with Him. A place alive with His presence.
January 20, 2025
Look back over your life with eyes of faith as much as you can, and realize the magnitude of what God has done for you, the comprehensiveness of His work in and through you … and give Him thanks.
And then rise up and walk in humility today before your God.
January 17, 2025
The one who does what invites the presence of God into the situation has the ultimate reward.