May 12, 2017
All of us lead someone ... in our home, church, business, and community. So how do we lead well? Samuel said that there are two primary essentials.
Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way. (1 Samuel 12:23)
This doesn't mean talking about prayer, or merely thinking about prayer. It means PRAYING for them. Specific and continual prayers.
I saw an incredible clip of a praying parent today. It's worth your time to watch here:
Samuel said that he would continue to ""instruct (them) in the good and right way."" A leader LEADS. And to lead, you must know the way yourself and share it with others.
If you read prior to this verse, you will see Samuel calling the people together, telling them to take a moment to stand and listen and make a judgment about the truth.
Now stand here quietly before the Lord as I remind you of all the great things the Lord has done for you and your ancestors. (1 Samuel 12:7, New Living Translation)
We do this formally, through times of teaching and instruction and, also informally, but intentionally ""along the way."" The truth is, in our family and relationships, every moment is an opportunity to remind people of God's truth. Not in a ""preachy"" way, but in an earnest, passionate way. In this manner, we help them see that every moment and every circumstance is related to the Word. All of life is a classroom and growth opportunity.
Also, notice that Samuel was committed to doing this, even though those he was leading weren’t listening or responding well. It was his responsibility to pray and speak … it was their responsibility to choose to obey.
Samuel saw this responsibility so clearly that to not pray and teach would be a ""sin against the Lord."" Why against God? Because GOD has given leaders these tasks. God calls leader because people need to be led. And to fail in this task, is to resist his clear command and calling on our lives and leave those we lead without the prayerful, biblical help they need to go forward.
Regardless of who you are called to lead, your task is more important than you think.
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