by Bill Elliff July 15, 2019
by Bill Elliff July 09, 2019
by Bill Elliff July 08, 2019
by Bill Elliff July 05, 2019
He lifts our heads. He reaches down to the one who is “downcast” and gently lifts our head. How He does this, only He can know.
And when we look up, we see the face of Him who is always there. The One who never sleeps nor slumbers. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Our shield, our glory, our Rock, our Defender, our Comforter. The very sight of Him is all we need for we quickly realize that our problems are not beyond His reach and our illness is not beyond His healing. Whatever we face, He will provide sufficient grace.
by Bill Elliff July 01, 2019
by Bill Elliff June 28, 2019
Wise men SEEK understanding … from God and from other people. It is the mark of real wisdom to listen so that you can get at the real issues before you make your conclusions.
Not so with a fool. He is so proud that he doesn’t listen to anybody. He thinks that his way is always right and so he doesn’t pursue understanding. What he does want to do is give everyone around him his own thinking.
by Bill Elliff June 08, 2019
by Bill Elliff June 07, 2019
… with most of us modern Christians is that we are stoppable. A little discomfort, a turn from our desired daily routine, or a little resistance from those to whom we’re witnessing throws us off. We have not settled the issue that our greatest joy and highest purpose comes from our witness, and so we are unwilling to push through in sharing Christ with others every day, even in the mildest environments. Even when persecution is not present.
by Bill Elliff June 03, 2019
These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer (Acts 1:14)
Prayer is the foundation for all of life. Imagine the emotions and sense of fear and expectancy when Christ had been resurrected, appeared to His disciples, and then ascended. They were instructed to merely wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit who would endue them with power to be witnesses to Christ all across the world (Acts 1:8).
So, what did they do?
by Bill Elliff June 01, 2019
by Bill Elliff May 31, 2019
When is a train free to run? When it's on the tracks or off the tracks? On the tracks, it can move at incredible speed with perfect freedom, doing exactly what it was created to do. Off the tracks, it's unable to run as designed.
We were designed, as C.S. Lewis said, to run on God. His path is the track that liberates us. That is why veering away from His will is so laborious and leads to incredible bondage.
by Bill Elliff May 30, 2019
... determine so much of our lives. How many people have gotten in trouble because they accepted a foolish challenge from a supposed friend? Listened to counsel that was directly opposed to the will of God? Missed the mark on a dare?